
Message - 株式会社ロンテック Your trustful partner


Message from the president


Rontech company provides one stop Systems Integrator Service(incorporating phases from Planning to Implementation and Maintenance) to customers.
We are a dynamic company because most employees are 20s and 30s young people.
Rontech's philosophy is below. We are always ready to provide professional IT service to you.


Humanize the system, make the system more convenient for people to use.

Become the trustful partner of customers.

・Provide global IT Service based Japan.
・Strong business knowledge and technical skills.
・Win-win policy with customers


Rontech company provides ERP customize solutions over 10 years. We can provide professional Consultants, high-level designers and experienced developers.
Our mission is provide IT solutions more reasonable and efficient.
Consultants: Strong business knowledge, passed technical training, provide total solutions more reasonable.
Engineer: Know business, and strong technical skills, provide function more correctly.
Developer: Strong technical skills, provide program more efficient.


Rontech Co., Ltd.
Cheng Zhang

Copyright@Rontech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.